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Writer's pictureYevhen Shagov

The Profession of the Future at GAM Academy

Scientific progress and advancements in medicine over the last century have taken incredible leaps forward. Dangerous diseases have been conquered through vaccination, the principles of disease onset have been uncovered, numerous medications have been developed, DNA has been decoded, and genetic engineering continues to evolve. Just a century ago, humanity learned to use insulin, and diabetes ceased to be a fatal condition. Today, hormone therapy is not only an accessible and proven tool for treatment but also a means of preventive health care aimed at preserving youth.

Yet, despite these achievements, we find ourselves on the brink of catastrophe. While average life expectancy has increased, what we are gaining are not extra years of youth but more years of chronic illness and frailty. For example, in the United States, life expectancy has increased by 10 years over the past half-century. However, over the last 30 years, the number of people with cardiovascular diseases has doubled.

This means we are not living longer but are simply spending more years being ill. Instead of facing the threat of cholera, we have created new epidemics—“diseases of civilization,” with obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular conditions leading the charge.

In the 14th century, during the plague in Europe, the "Black Death" claimed a quarter of the continent's population—15 million people—in 1348 alone. Today, around 18 million people die annually from cardiovascular diseases, and yet, no one views this as a tragedy, though it could largely be prevented.

Diseases of civilization, or lifestyle diseases, are the flip side of progress, the cost of comfort, and the verdict of our civilization unless we start changing our priorities, attitudes toward well-being, and the value of mental and physical health.

These diseases result from the modern lifestyle that emerged with the development of civilization. We no longer need to search for or even prepare food for long, exert ourselves to build a home, or work hard to secure resources and safety. However, the socio-economic transformations of society have not changed the biological essence of humans. For health, we still need what we did centuries ago: natural products, clean air and water, and physical activity. Only by returning to a basic understanding of prevention can we halt this alarming trend.

Because it's far easier to stay healthy than to regain lost health, the primary task of the coming years will be to shift healthcare strategies, making the preservation of youthful resources the fundamental goal.

Prevention is the only effective path to a long, happy, and active life. Our mission is to relearn how to live in harmony with nature’s requirements and teach this to our children, becoming an example for them. This is how we will protect future generations from the potential downfall of our civilization—a civilization that risks, having mastered space and created nanorobots, destroying its own resources.

That’s why the educational online platform GAM Academy exists — to help as many people as possible acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for advancing modern preventive medicine.

Професія майбутнього в GAM Academy - фото №1
Future profession at GAM Academy

This is an ecosystem where doctors can acquire the promising profession of an age-management specialist, a field whose demand will only continue to grow in light of alarming health trends. Moreover, anyone, even without medical education, can learn about the key tools for managing age and health to protect themselves and their loved ones from premature aging and lifestyle-related diseases.

Doctors who choose to specialize in Age Management undergo training in the following modules:

  • Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle, 

  • Diagnostics,

  • BHRT (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy),

  • Orthomolecular medicine,

  • IV therapy, High Tech (hardware and devices),

  • Bio Tech (cellular biotechnology, cryobanking).

Through this training, they gain the essential knowledge to understand how the human body functions, what underlies age-related changes, and how to effectively combat them. By modifying lifestyle habits, they help clients restore their health and, through innovative protocols, double their resources. The program also includes clinical case studies, advice on setting up a workspace, and examples of therapeutic protocols tailored to various client needs.

For non-medical professionals, the same tools for age and health management are presented in a more simplified format, free of complex scientific terms and detailed therapeutic guidelines. In the "Healthy Lifestyle" section, anyone can find answers to questions such as:

  • Is it possible to stop aging and manage it?

  • How should I eat properly?

  • How can I improve my sleep and practice smart stress management?

  • What vitamins should I take and how?

  • Why and how should hormones be used correctly?

  • What health innovations can enhance the quality of life?

Learn more about the training at GAM Academy:

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